PERfecting Property Conversations Discovery Day
One Day – £197
Do you want to get more leads and create more deals? This is the perfect course for you if you’re looking to build confidence by having a structured, easy to follow approach to speaking with estate agents, vendors, letting agents, contractors and potential investors.
The day promises to be an enjoyable and informal learning experience and provides a great opportunity to mix with other people who are involved in property. The sessions are interactive and hands-on, incorporating role play and real case studies.
During this
course you will;
- Gain an understanding of the unique PERfecting conversations communication model.
- Learn how to reduce your fear of initial negotiation and build your confidence.
- Learn how to introduce yourself and create the right impression from the very beginning.
- Learn how to manage your emotions so you stay in control of the conversation.
- Learn how to build rapport quickly.
- Learn how to actively listen so you can understand what is going on in the conversation.
- Learn how to get to the real issues involved.
- Learn how to create a win/win situation.
- Learn how to reflect on your mistakes and improve for the future.
2020 dates to be confirmed.
PERfecting Property Conversations Advanced
Full day – £497
Do you feel relatively
comfortable with how you approach potential leads and investors but want to get
to the next level and understand how you could improve even further? Then this
challenging but supportive course is for you. Restricted to only a small group
allowing us the opportunity to explore your specific concerns and needs through
practical and relevant exercises.
As well as covering
all the outcomes in the Foundation course by the end of the day you will;
- Have a bespoke introduction specific
to your personal circumstances.
- Have a deeper understanding of the
application of the PERfecting conversations communication model.
- Had the chance to practice and
develop your own personal communication style.
- Understand the power of and develop
appropriate questioning techniques.
- Understand and practice effective
listening skills.
- Have received quality, evidenced
feedback on areas you could develop.
- Understand and practice reflective
models to help improvement.
- Have an action plan in place to continue your development after you leave.
Dates to be confirmed.
PERfecting Property Conversations Advanced + Coaching
the Advanced day workshop and follow it up with two coaching calls of up to 45
minutes each when you are preparing for a specific meeting or conversation. Get
the opportunity to bounce your ideas, get clarity and build your confidence
before your meeting to discuss a specific deal with an estate agent, vendor, or
potential investor.
This is a great chance to be able focus on the real issues, develop your skills and potentially save thousands off your next deal, or avoid the significant costs of doing the wrong deal or joint venture partnership.
Dates to be confirmed.
Workplace Conversations Discovery
Full Day – £297
Whether you
are new at being a first- or second-line manager or a ‘seasoned professional’
this day is designed to raise your awareness of and build on the communication
skills required to lead a strong and effective team with confidence. It will help you transform the way you manage
awkward, negative behaviour and situations in the workplace by giving you the
practical tips, strategies and techniques required. Learn how to approach
crucial conversations confidently and with ease.
- Understand the difference between dysfunctional and functional conflict and examine the impact of both.
- Understand why conflict happens and why it should be encouraged.
- Understand team ‘dynamics’ and how individual personality types communication styles affect performance.
- Understand the unique PERfecting conversations communication model.
- Be able to apply the model across a variety of scenarios and circumstances.
- Learn how to manage your emotions and influence the emotions of others.
- Understand the importance of understanding your own communication style and how it impacts on managing difficult situations.
- Understand how all situations revolve around only THREE issues.
- Understand the Responses to Dominance model and its’ relevance to conflict situations.
- Understand the key aspects of building effective working relationships, such as communication, questioning and active listening skills, motivation skills, and empathy.
- Practice, using short practical and relevant role-plays, the key skills to confidently build effective relationships at work and create trust.
Dates to be confirmed.
PERfecting Workplace Conversations Advanced workshop
Two Days – POA
Covering all
the areas from the one-day sessions this builds on those skills required and
covers knowledge, understanding, skills, attitude and behaviours needed to be
successful in communicating effectively in difficult and challenging
Usually run ‘in-house’
this is an opportunity for individuals who manage and lead others to develop
their skills to build highly effective, productive and focussed teams.
With a
strong emphasis on interactive sessions using role play and practical case